This tutorial will show you how to split video on Windows. If you use a Mac, check this tutorial .
Step 1 Launch Pazu Video Cutter
Download, install and run Pazu Video Cutter on your Windows.
The user interface is like below:
Step 2 Add videos you want to split
Step 3 Select segments
Click to play the video. Drag to quickly scan the video. Click to set start point and to set end point.
Optional : If want to minimally adjust the time setting, you can click below icons to adjust:
move one frame backward
move one frame forward
move one keyframe backward
move one keyframe forward
rewind 30 seconds
fast forward 30 seconds
rewind 2 minutes
fast forward 2 minutes
As this splitter can split an unlimited number of segments at a time, you can repeat as many times as you want. The segments will be marked with different color and listed on the right side. Click to preview current segment. Click to delete current segment or to delete all segments. Click to add tag to current segment. For example, the third segment is abhout how to make ice-cream, so I add an "ice-cream" tag.
Step 4 Start to split video
If you have finished all segments, click to get them as separate video segments. Here you will get 2 options:
1. Cut videos at keyframes and get lossless video
2. Normal Mode - Re-encode output video, start/end time is more accurate
Then click Export button and the splitting begins.
After splitting, click Show button to quickly find the video segments.
Click to capture a snapshot of current frame.
Split to equal segments
Click to split the video to several equal segments
Trim Mode
Different from Cut Mode, Trim Mode allows you to trim the selected segment and preserve the left part. Select TRIM MODE on the top right corner and then select the segment that you want to trim. Then click and you will get the video without the selected segment.
Cut any video to small segments by duration or keyframe without quality loss..
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